Paris 8 Danse in Translation's HAL open archive

Paris 8 Danse in Translation brings together writings by professors and scholars from the “Danse, geste et corporéité” [Dance, gesture and corporeality] research group of the Laboratoire MUSIDANSE, and work by founder-members of the dance department at the University of Paris 8 Saint-Denis. The department celebrates 30 years in 2019 and so it seemed timely to make available more widely research that has hitherto been accessible only to French-speaking readers. The English translations highlight key texts – particularly those of Michel Bernard, regularly cited in our work – as well as representative writings from each scholar’s body of research.

This publication is multilingual in that it also re-publishes existing texts in German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Romanian, reflecting the international scope of our research exchanges on art and dance. This online publication will evolve over time to offer wider insight into our lines of research enquiry: aesthetics and history, anthropology of dance, analysis of gestures and practices, dance(s) and environment(s).


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Editor: Julie Perrin (2017-2019)

Editorial consultants: Isabelle Ginot, Mahalia Lassibille, Isabelle Launay, Sylviane Pagès, Christine Roquet

Editorial and legal assistants: Mahalia Lassibille, Fernando López, Christine Roquet, Violeta Salvatierra

Layout: Axelle Locatelli, Mélanie Mesager

Online editing: Polina Manko, Julie Perrin


The new translations for the 2019 publication were made possible by the generous support of the Laboratoire MUSIDANSE, the Institut Universitaire de France, the University Paris 8 Saint Denis and the ICI-CCN Montpellier Occitanie, directed by Christian Rizzo.



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